Monday, October 19, 2009

Home clock can be your lucky indeed?

Some people believe it to install the clock on the wall behind the main door, with the assumption that the round or the ticking clock can draw sustenance of Qi or air to flow into the house.

Such beliefs are difficult to explain. The origin of this concept comes from the description Fengsui Symbolic, which uses ticking clock as a symbol of a sustainable life in the house.

The house is often empty or the occupant would go, is feared to be quiet and die, and will improve the quality of Yin / negative energy.

Therefore, the house must be filled by a form of life, and the clock is one of the symbols used in Feng Shui.

Type of clock is often used to frame a circle or octagon (as the embodiment of Ba Gua). (Tabloid Rumah / Mas Dian mre)


  1. nice post sobat, thanks ya for sharingnya
    salam sukses

  2. Sip deh....jam aku pake angka bukan hurup...hihihihi...angkanya juga cuma nyampe angka 12..tapi tetap muter terus tiap hari....

  3. hahaha bisa aaja ..itukan cuma ilustrasi hehhehehe aslinya ngomongin fengsui :)

  4. kalau fengshui banyak banget pertimbangannya yah?
