Monday, October 19, 2009

Marbella Suites Apartment in Bandung Ready Marketed

Around 70 units of apartments Marbella Suites at Jalan Dago Pakar Center, Bandung regency, West Java, ready for the market. Apartments with 15 floors that offers cool air and the panoramic hills in the area of northern Bandung.

President Director Marbella Group Kosmian after the soft opening Pudjiadi Marbella Suites in Bandung, Wednesday (9 / 9), say, the price of the unit with one bedroom is Rp 400 million, two rooms for USD 700 million, three-bedroom Rp 1 billion, and five rooms for USD 2.5 billion-USD 3 billion.

All units equipped apartment living room. Suites Marbella old building about 18 months. The building was equipped fitness center, restaurant, conference rooms, and swimming pool. Currently, units are already available in one tower, which is Barcelona.

As many as two other towers, namely California and Athens, will be built. California planned to complete the tower was built in two years. The schedule for completion of the tower has not been established in Athens. Marbella Suites others will be built, namely in Bali are planned for completion in 2011, as well as Perth and Sydney, Australia, which is expected to operate at the end of 2012.Kompas


  1. makin keren aja Bandung, semoga bisa meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan.

  2. Waw Wonderfull...!!! I like it..

  3. have a nice psoting brow.

  4. blognya..cantik..banget...nih..kawan..

  5. mantep nih marbella melebarkan sayap

  6. sip...mantaps nich sobat, nanti pulang dari tugas mau main kesana

  7. silakan silakan tapi bukan marketingnya loh hahaha ..

  8. ina mau dunk....

    bagus bgt ik,...

  9. di bandung ya ?? deket dong ama kampungku heheheheh

  10. It's a pity I still can't afford it...

  11. salam sobat
    wah ok banget apartmentnya di BANDUNG,,
    keren banget,,,jadi pingin kesana,,
    makin ramai dong BANDUNG,,dulu saya pernah kesana.

  12. nice keep succes for u with good job

  13. Visit my friend and happy weekend ...... :)
