Surabaya City Transportation Department predicts, in 2010, traffic will halt altogether. Each vehicle can not move out of the house. This is due to the number of vehicles continues to swell, while the road was not increased by a neck.
Many complaints were related to road congestion level of this city we can read, one of hundreds of letters from readers in the newspaper. For example, citizens complained that traffic congestion is due to the changing functions of the street into the parking lot, especially wild by the roadside parking. We can witness many public streets or parking fulfilled protocol-illegal parking. The park interpreter utilizing strategic locations to be used as a parking lot, road marking or meskinpun consuming public facilities. Even the pricing was above the official rate. Thus, the benefits are very tempting.
Potential special parking curb edge or it can reach tens of billions of dollars a year. However, the huge potential is far from good management and productive. So that roadside parking is one contributor to leakage parking levies.
Pattern Malaysia
Now, it's time to make special parking management side of the road a safer, more comfortable and productive. In addition to ordering road traffic, reduce congestion, also raised its tax revenue from this roadside parking. Can the management of this park find the best solution in terms of informal employment (carpenters parking) as well as comfort and safety for road users in this community? In this context, at least we can learn and possibly adopt a roadside parking management system in our neighboring country.
At least, there are two patterns that can be taken in the management of roadside parking. First, the pattern of Singapore. Parking tickets run an agency that consists of several elements, namely the Urban Redevelopment Authority (Laura), Housing & Development Board (HDB), National Crime Prevention Council and the park is managed with strict and costly, can achieve a S $ = Rp 6000 per hour. If parking in particular areas can achieve a S $ = Rp. 6000 per half hour. While motorcycles S $ 0.65 = USD $ 3900 per hour for heavy vehicles 2 S $ = Rp. 12,000 per hour.
Meanwhile, for all day parking, parking fees can vary from S $ 4 - S $ 16.5, equivalent to Rp 25,000-Rp 107 500 per day and parking fines that could reach the variation between S $ 200-600 = USD 1.3 million-USD 3 , 9 million. If you make mistakes and if parking fines are not paid and continues to court, the fines could be increased to S $ 400-1000 = USD 2.6 million to $ 6.5 million. Therefore, parking tickets are distinguished from years, months, days, hours, parking, and how many minutes to start in the parking lot and the ticket must be placed on the location of the wheel. If it is found that the officers parked cars do not have a parking ticket, the car will be withdrawn or bolted to the car owner pays the fine.
Second, the pattern of Malaysia. From the ticket is almost the same model, but taking into consideration the different cultural communities, added security modifications in order to avoid creating false tickets by unauthorized parties. Thus, in addition to signs of years, months, days and hours on the ticket, a printed security code that can only be read by equipment owned by officers from the city government, so every day there are dozens of officers who conduct sampling to various parking locations.
Where to find the car or vehicle that does not have a parking ticket, the officer will issue the cards printed direct evidence of violations based mobile thermal printers as well as chapter outlines how being violated by the vehicle users and the amount of fines to be paid on the spot. And more interestingly, with the ease of information technology today, they have a hand held terminal device that has been equipped GPRS, GPS, GSM and digital cameras so that evidence of violations committed by the vehicle owner can easily take his photograph. If there is any complaint on penalty of the charged officers, they could see the evidence directly, including the integration of the system they have with 'SAMSAT'.
At the time of giving proof of violations, number of police vehicles are going to get updates directly so that when they do not want to pay parking fines, there are consequences to be borne, that there are penalties for late paid fines, and penalties will be accumulated automatically when it paid their motor vehicle taxes next year. Thus, they all are no longer able to dodge. Indeed in the early stages will be a lot happening penalties to the community, but as indicated by the same legal certainty by everyone, then gradually this system could be accepted by society.
Parking tickets are sold to those agents who have been recruited as a partner, then on the other hand, informal workers park handyman, would be a complement to this parking ticket when they saw the vehicle will be parked but not yet equipped with this parking ticket. If in Malaysia, probably because the number of builders are not too many parking tickets, the agent will get an incentive of 5% of ticket prices, while in Indonesia may be able to do the same method but with incentives that can be regulated mechanisms and incentives in higher quantities - 15 -20% of the ticket price.
Thus, actually there is no unresolved problems in this world. The problem is more on commitment and intensive communication of all relevant stakeholders to be able to find the point temunya. Patterns of Malaysia has been applied in almost all states in Malaysia and began to be developed in Dubai, Macao, Shanghai and several other cities in Asia. Malaysia parking system I think this could be applied in Indonesia. Thus, creating comfortable driving, and increasing regional income
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